
Colorado Attorney for Doctors & Healthcare Professionals and Colorado Estate Planning Attorney

  • Creating a Social Networking Policy

    Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have created productivity problems in nearly every industry. While many businesses have been forced to take measures to prevent workplace idleness by blocking social media sites on workplace computers, there are concerns in the medical and healthcare industry related to these sites that go beyond wasted work […]

  • Medical Employer’s Settling Suits Without Consent

    Most physicians, dentists and physician assistant’s expect to sign a contract as a condition of employment. However, not all medical and dental professionals consider the ramifications of the terms of their contracts. As an attorney in Colorado, I’ve reviewed and interpreted many employment contracts for clients and have seen some that contain clauses allowing the […]

  • Standards In Colorado Medical Records Documentation

    Among the primary purposes for medical records documentation are to ensure that the patient receives high quality healthcare and that there is a seamless transfer of information when a patient is handed off to another physician or dentist or other healthcare professional. As a medical professional attorney who represents doctors, physician assistants, nurses, and clinic […]

  • Destroying/Disposing of Medical and Healthcare Records in Colorado

    Anyone who has ever walked into a doctor’s office, dental office, or other healthcare facility has noticed the voluminous manila files that line the walls of the administrative work area. While electronic medical healthcare records are quickly becoming the norm, old records are still maintained in paper format. In addition, even with electronic medical records […]